Volkert’s traffic engineering services enhance safety and mobility, using cutting-edge technology to maximize existing and future transportation infrastructure. Volkert has expertise in traffic engineering design, transportation planning, and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS).
We design traffic control devices for vehicle and pedestrian traffic, evaluate traffic safety, and provide recommendations for improved safety measures. Our experience includes developing transportation management plans for phased construction projects and ITS to help coordinate, integrate, and operate traffic systems.
Volkert engineers design complete streets, traffic signals, and signing plans; pavement marking plans; transportation management plans; and roundabouts.
Our transportation planning services include traffic impact studies, capacity analyses, intersection and corridor evaluations, safety studies, simulation modeling, freight studies, congestion management plans, traffic calming studies, parking studies, and pedestrian studies.
Our ITS services include master plans, adaptive signal control systems, Advance Traffic Management Systems (ATMS), non-obtrusive vehicle detection systems, system integration, freeway management systems, traffic operation center systems, CCTV, dynamic message signing, and shared-lane signals/signing.
All Design + Engineering Services
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Celebrating 100 Years of Integrity in Infrastructure
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By Volkert Communications
Delivering Santa Rosa County’s Pea Ridge Connector