Volkert’s Mega Projects
Volkert is an ENR Top 100 infrastructure firm that has delivered quality solutions for nearly a century. From a one-of-a-kind coastal resiliency program to revitalizing Downtown Austin’s I-35 corridor, Volkert is working on some of the largest infrastructure projects in the country.
At Volkert, we use projects to build our people.
That’s right. Our goal at Volkert is to use unique career-building projects like the ones below to build our team’s technical skills. Through company-wide work-share programs, our engineers have the opportunity to work on billion dollar bridge programs across the country.
Interested in working on one of these mega projects? Visit our Careers page today.
PennDOT Major Bridge Public-Private Partnership (MBP3)

Bridging Pennsylvania Partners is delivering the MBP3 program which includes the six bridges highlighted below. These bridges are in the final design phase and will be moving into construction soon. Volkert, Inc. is providing independent quality verification services to assist in the acceleration of the replacement and/or rehabilitation of these major interstate bridges across Pennsylvania.
Project Goals:
- Accelerate the renewal of major interstate bridges to secure public safety and travel reliability
- Avoid time and financial impacts of travel diversion resulting from bridge restrictions and closures due to bridge conditions
Norfolk Coastal Storm Risk Management Program, City of Norfolk

Norfolk Resilience Partners is providing program and project management support services for the Norfolk Coastal Storm Risk Management Program (CSRM). We are bringing our combined technical expertise to support the City’s staff, who is collaborating with USACE to mitigate the main challenge facing the City, coastal flooding. Spanning across a decade, this program will help shape the City’s resilience to coastal storms by providing risk reduction features that preserve, and where possible, enhance the City’s character as a vibrant urban coastal community and the home to the largest
naval base in the world.
Project Goals:
- Protect the City of Norfolk from catastrophic flooding
- Keep structure alignments and design choices true to the City’s character
- Establish a robust non-structural program to protect individual properties in areas where structural measures are not feasible
- Incorporate natural and nature-based features
- Prioritize socially vulnerable areas
I-10 Mobile River Bridge Progressive Design Build, ALDOT

The team is collaborating with the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) to design an aesthetically pleasing cable-stay bridge with a minimum 100-year service life and a minimum 215-foot vertical clearance over the 600-footwide Mobile River ship channel to add capacity and alleviate congestion in the corridor. The goal is to begin construction by March 2024 on the Main Span Cable-Stayed Bridge.
Project Goals
- Add capacity along I-10 between Virginia Street and the Mobile/Baldwin County line to alleviate traffic congestion and facilitate economic growth
- Design and build a new cable-stay bridge with a 100-year service life and a 215-foot vertical clearance over a 600-foot channel
- Minimize impacts to the maritime industry
- Meet all requirements of the environmental documentation (previously completed)
I-35 Capital Express Central PS&E, TxDOT

Volkert, Inc. is the prime design firm providing engineering design services to TxDOT for the I-35 Capital Express Central project from US 290 to MLK Blvd. in Travis County, Texas. Two non-tolled managed lanes are proposed for this section of I-35 in downtown Austin due to high-congestion. The project will reconnect east and west communities by covering the interstate with CAPS to create park space above I-35 as well as adding shared use paths for pedestrians and bicyclists. Due to limited right of way, I-35 will need to be lowered by up to 60’. The project includes the engineering design for I-35 tunneling (with fire/life/safety), structural retrofit of upper decks, interchanges, signals, ITS, ramps, retaining walls, utilities,
and bridges. Construction is anticipated to begin in 2026.
Project Goals
- Improve safety and mobility
- Add non-tolled managed lanes
- Reconnect communities using CAP and Stitch to cover I-35 for parks and recreation
- Reconstruct intersections and bridges, increasing bridge clearances and east/west mobility
- Improve bicycle and pedestrian along I-35 frontage roads and at east/west crossings